Sunday 30 December 2012

sakura tree garden

glad i finished this piece!!!phew!
another sunday and another post!! just randomly doodled this character in class and came up with this idea....i wanted more detail but i guess i was out of patience :P anyway...that aside...a belated Merry Christmas and an advanced Happy New Year, viewers!! I'm gonna go and eat some tuity fruity biscuits now :P
toodles!! xoxo

Sunday 23 December 2012

archaeologist in a desert

phew! it's sunday and im glad that i finally finished this piece
took me a damn lot of time to finish it
i can also say that this is the first work which im actually proud of :p lol
i dont believe i did it without the tablet!! i thought this miracle was only possible with those divine....oh forget it.....i'll have to make do without a tablet for now
im sure i can fill in more detail after i get it
anyway thanks for ur pageviews!!! please keep visiting every sunday to check out my 'weekendly' posts!! toodles!! :)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

i know it's not sunday yet but im at home with my stupid leg injury as i already mentioned earlier, so thought of practising sketching directly with the pen.
Hmmmm.... they came out pretty well i guess :P
I also take character drawing requests!!! any character, any anime.
I could use some practice :)

Sunday 16 December 2012
check out my page on facebook which i just made!!
promise to keep on posting art every week :D
would definitely appreciate some likes to increase popularity :)
hey viewers! it's Sunday here today, climate's.....normal i guess...
Spent the whole day in front of the computer screen browsing the net for anime and movies :p
can't wait for the Fairy Tail movie to come out!!! I'm a big fairy tail fan u see... :D
recently started watching one piece and just got glued to it like a magnet... lol
P.S. Zoro's awesome!!! hehe..
I'll be at home tomorrow too because of a leg injury I had.... stupid scooterists who ride along the wrong side of the road!!!
well the brighter side is that i can finish a lot of pending work that kwpt piling up from over a month!! :P
And of course, my boring college work.... :'(
Anyway, seeya next week with a new artpiece!!
toodles!! :x

musical girl